Do You Know You Can Appeal Your Fines from EPF?
Most of the companies are in these situations before ➡️ Late payment for the contribution ➡️ Miss few months of contribution ➡️ Did not contribute at all So when these fines are knocking on your door, most of the companies paid huge sums of money. Why should you pay unnecessary fines and those fines are […]
EPF Introduced Employer Pay For Reduction Initiative (e-PaR)
More Help Coming Your Way! The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has launched two initiatives to ease employers’ financial constraints during the pandemic. ✅ 1st Initiatives ➡️ Contribution date 15th of every month ➡️ Now extended to end of the month ➡️ Without incurring any late payment charges ➡️ Period from September to December 2021 ✅ […]
My Employee Has Passed Away!
While everyone is mourning the death of their beloved colleague, HR has to lead, manage, be wise, strong and ensuring to-do lists, as well as the statutory task, is executed well. Today I’d like to talk about EPF. As an employer are you still liable to contribute to the EPF if your employee passed away? […]
7 Categories People Can Claim EIS Benefits from Loss Of Employment
Loss of employment is the most fearful subject that many wants to avoid. There is still light at the end of the tunnel, don’t worry – walk directly to Perkeso and apply for EIS benefits Take note of these 7 categories that is eligible for EIS benefits ✅ Normal retrenchment /redundancy ✅ VSS/MSS (Voluntary/Mutual Separation […]
5 Ways To Engage With Employees Virtually
I believe that many companies are still practising the working from home model. While working remotely has its fair share of benefits, like saving time and money on commutes and encouraging better SOP protecting the vulnerable, it also has some downsides. Because they’re not in the office with their team, remote workers often feel less […]
Why Need Employee Self-Service?
Have you implemented employee self-service yet in your organisations? If you have not why haven’t you? Employee Self-Service a.k.a ESS is a cloud portal that all of your employees have access to, not just HR professionals. With that, the employee can access their payslip, schedules, and benefits information, make updates to their own details, and […]
2 Benefits of Payroll Outsourcing VS In-House Processing
Payroll Outsourcing vs In-House Processing is arguably one of the most talk topics within HR circle. But, for companies that may not have a designated payroll professional on staff, the task of payroll processing can be frustrating and time-consuming for the employer to manage. That’s one of the reasons many employers seek to utilize payroll […]
9% EPF Employee Contribution In Year 2021
Do you know as an employee you will be contributing 9% only to EPF effective January 2021? The Malaysian federal government will reduce the minimum employee contribution rate for the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) from 11 per cent to 9 per cent for a period of 12 months starting January to December 2021. This reduction […]
Fail To Commit To A Regular Payroll Schedule
One of the biggest mistakes in payroll processing is not paying staff on time every month. Not sticking to a regular salary payout date makes it difficult for your employees to adjust their finances. It is always a good thing to set a #fixeddate for salary payout and implement policies such as an early salary […]
Overtime Work Hour Permitted In A Month
In this video, I’d like to share with you the actual overtime work hour permitted in a month. Some of you may or may not know but it is good to take note. An employee is permitted to work up to a limit of 104 hours of overtime in a single month. This excludes overtime […]