Back To Basic EPF Knowledge

It is extremely dangerous when we thought we know it all. That is the time when we stop learning and leave a big gap from knowing to understanding it well. Hey, I thought why not let me bring you back to the basics. Malaysia EPF and how do we calculate the contribution percentage. Aiden, are […]

Common Mistakes Made By Startup

Out of 10 startup companies, 8 made these common mistakes. Before they register for their employer statutory account, they have hired their employees and started working for them without contributing to the monthly statutory. Why is that? Simply because during that time, the company need an urgent employee to commence work immediately. Secondly, the company […]

Registering Your Statutory Company EPF Account?

For all the new business owners or entrepreneurs do you know when should you start to register the statutory account? ❌ Do not register before you have your 1st employee. ➡️ My new employee join next month, so I register this month first ➡️ Once you register, EPF will expect you to contribute on that […]

Appointment for KWSP

More stricter now! From the detail of the form filled-up, original forms (only) and appointment before stepping in is the new process now for KWSP. Good in a way that KWSP wants every document strictly in order to ensure smooth registrations at the counter. Don’t be alarmed that you may ask to come back again […]

Do You Know You Can Appeal Your Fines from EPF?

Most of the companies are in these situations before ➡️ Late payment for the contribution ➡️ Miss few months of contribution ➡️ Did not contribute at all So when these fines are knocking on your door, most of the companies paid huge sums of money. Why should you pay unnecessary fines and those fines are […]

EPF Introduced Employer Pay For Reduction Initiative (e-PaR)

More Help Coming Your Way! The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has launched two initiatives to ease employers’ financial constraints during the pandemic. ✅ 1st Initiatives ➡️ Contribution date 15th of every month ➡️ Now extended to end of the month ➡️ Without incurring any late payment charges ➡️ Period from September to December 2021 ✅ […]