Loss of employment is the most fearful subject that many wants to avoid.
There is still light at the end of the tunnel, don’t worry – walk directly to Perkeso and apply for EIS benefits
Take note of these 7 categories that is eligible for EIS benefits
✅ Normal retrenchment /redundancy
✅ VSS/MSS (Voluntary/Mutual Separation Scheme)
✅ Closure of company due to natural disasters
✅ Bankruptcy or closure of company
✅ Constructive dismissal
✅ Resignation due to sexual harassment or threats made in the workplace
✅ Resignation after being ordered to perform dangerous duties that are not within the job scope
There is always help available for those who have lost their employment. Do not cry silently.
Do you realise how important your contribution to SOCSO is every month that may help save your life?
Speak with me if you need help.
I’m Aiden your best friend in payroll & statutory.